Hows it going? We are doing good. We saw a croc! In the trench in front of our house, just sitting there on the surface. We left it alone but took a photo. See below for picture.
Okay, its time for some recruitment. We need help in the Sign Language field down here. Our trip is half over, and the work still to be done is massive. Plus, we need someone to take over when we leave. Honestly, being here is wonderful. There are challenges, and it is hard work. But, the ministry more than makes up for it. It truly is a privilege to be here. This is the best way of life. Your whole life and time is focused on spreading the good news about God's Kingdom. And really helping people. Not to be overlooked is the joy of hammock time. The stress of work and a busy schedule fades away, replaced by satisfaction and joy. If you are even thinking about coming, please email me. My email is: Our house will be available to rent.
One thing I love about Jaide is how she handles drunk guys. We seem to be magnets for drunk dudes. Of course, they always want to hug you or shake your hand. When this happens to Jaide she just stares at them. Gives them one of the classic Jaide stares, you know, can melt ice. One guy even said, "What, you don't want to touch me?" Usually they smell and don't appear to be that clean. Yesterday, this one man stopped us. He was making no sense, and was wanting to discuss the Bible. After a few minutes of patiently listening to him, Jaide said, "Allright." and started walking away. It works, normally they are so drunk they don't mind.
The pictures, a croc, get it? Its not a pair of crocs, its a croc. Its lame, I know it. The top is a Christmas card Haresh family had hanging. Notice anything familiar? Yup, that the picture from the cover of God's Friend. The last is Ashtyn's first Guyanese meal. Cook-up rice and roti. She loved it!
Guyanese word of the day: Maamu. Translation: Your uncle on your mom's side. Now you have something to call your uncle and surprise him.