Monday, September 13, 2010

Do you like cricket?

Girl doing the sign for Jesus
Hello Everyone,

How is everyone doing?  Has the weather started to change back  home?  My last post, I said it had been crazy hot. But, it actually cooled down.  One night it stormed like crazy.  The noise from the rain hitting the zinc resembles the crinkling of a chip bag, as you dig around the bottom trying to find the last little niblets.  But, much more loud and powerful.  Actually, that morning I was a little chilled in bed.  I needed to get under the sheet to keep warm from that oh so chilly Guyana morning. The cooler temperature lasted a couple of days.  Now its back to melt you into the ground hot.

Yesterday, we had 3 deaf at meeting.  Urijah, Haresh and Jamol.  3 boys.  Jamol, feel fast asleep.  I could not wake him.  Either he is the deepest sleeper I know or he was ignoring me.  Urijah and Haresh needed more attention to help them behave good at meeting.  Neither of them go to school, or really any where that they need to sit down quietly for any length of time.  Its more like interpreting/baby sitting/life skills teaching. It was . . . fun.  They both were good.  Urijah did better at sitting and paying attention to the signing.  It was funny, when Haresh was not looking, Urijah would tell me that he, Haresh, was bad.  The best is when he was about to tell me again that Haresh is bad, when Haresh looked over at him.  Urijah froze.  Hand still on his chin about to flip away and down, what was he to do?  Like a seasoned pro, he just pulled one of those 'I am just stretching awkwardly' moves.

After the meeting, we went out in the ministry to visit a boy and a woman.  Both deaf.  The woman, Indi, was at her sister's house.  While we were there, out walks this guy.  This dude was clearly drunk.  Oh how I love to talk to drunk guys.  The aroma wafting from him, the incoherent speech, the honesty and yes, the touching.  First, he wanted to know if I like cricket, the sport.  Of course, I don't.  After a titillating conversation about cricket and why its important for me to watch, I thought our conversation may be finished.  Nope, now he moved on to confessions.  Also, he moved a whole lot closer to me.  He told me, " I drink rum."  Thank you captain obvious!  He also curses.  The best was when he asked if it is wrong to drink.  I told him, "the Bible does not say that. Drinking alcohol is fine.  But, the Bible says getting drunk is not."  His response, "if you drink you must get drunk."  I tried to reason with him on that point.  Then I realized, 'oh yeah, he's drunk."  Anyways, he says he will bring his family by the Kingdom Hall one day.  He reasoned that if I come visit him in his home, the least he could do is come by the meeting.  I made him promise not to start drinking until after the meeting.

(no animals were hurt in the making of this blog)