Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rick Roll'd

Our Kingdom Hall

 Hello Everyone,

How are you doing?  We are doing pretty good.  
Something I find funny here in Guyana is the range of music you hear.  You do hear a lot of reggae/Caribbean music, and most of that is just irritating.  Awful voices, lame lyrics and DJ's that interrupt the song, not to sing or remix it, but just to repeat the last line.  Spoken word.  Anyways, sometimes you will hear someone playing R&B, Celine Dion, Garth Brooks, Justin Bieber, Fresh Prince, Phil Collins (you hear a lot of old PC) and others.  But today I heard a song that really surprised me.  Rick Astley's "Never gonna give you up."  I thought I had been Rick roll'd.  But no, just someone loved the deep voice of the thin, red headed man that looks like he is 14 years old and his 1987 hit.  If you don't know what it means to be Rick roll'd, you can look it up on line.  Check out his amazing dance moves for yourself.  And, later when we passed the house again they were blasting ABBA.

Today, we visited Eion.  He is a young deaf boy.  Eion is a fun study.  He is next to impossible to get him into a conversation or respond to any question.  He just stares at you, fingers in mouth and baby powder all over his body.   This makes it hard to gauge how much he is learning or understands.  We start doing real basic things,  next thing you know he is signing something that we taught him weeks ago.  He is so smart and soaks it up like a sponge and doesn't forget it.  The problem is he doesn't use it.  Unless we are pointing at something and asking him what, he doesn't sign.  But if you teach him a point from the Bible and all the signs with that point, he will remember it.  He also recently started going to school.  A mainstream school with no interpreters.  We will see how well he does. 

Things I learned this week:  in Guyana, if you find a dead body do not call the police.  They will arrest you for the murder.  Makes sense, right?  There is a dead person, you found the body, that means you must have killed him and put him there.  Off to jail you go.  Brilliant!  Great police work!

A Minibus ride with our Brothers & Sisters