How are you? The weeks just keep flying by. I can tell that February will be gone before we know it. Tomorrow, all the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses are invited to the zone visit. This is the first time I have ever been to one. We found out a couple weeks ago that the Guyana branch is closing. Guyana is now going to be under the supervision of Trinidad. That means this is the last zone visit in Guyana. Our congregation has arranged for 3 buses to take us all up to the stadium. We have to leave early, but it will be fun.
Thursday, during meeting we had a black out (power went out). That is not all that unusual. Everyone knows the routine. Flashlights come out, a couple brothers start working on getting the lantern going. What made this night unique, was the amount of small gnats that were attracted to the flashlights. So for us giving talks, that meant we got a little snack. As I was giving a talk, I had to use a flashlight to see my notes and scriptures. This attracted a swarm of gnats. As you can imagine, you have to open your mouth to speak, and in they go. You take a breath in, in they go. After 10 minutes of swatting, snorting, coughing and spiting, my talk was done. The gnats didn't taste bad. Plus as one brother noted, "a little extra protein." That may explain why I wasn't starving after meeting. After my talk I did have to go outside to try dislodge one that somehow had got stuck in my throat.
The first picture is of laundry day. The second is the Kingdom Hall's bathroom. It is very green. In fact, this toilet uses no water. We are going green here in Guyana.
Guyanese word of the day: torch light. Translation: flash light. I can't remember if I had done that one before, so if I have sorry.