How's it going? We are doing good. We are headed off to a village named Orealla today. We go to Skeldon, then take a 6 hour boat ride up a river into the interior of Guyana. On the boat ride you hang your hammocks and lay in them. Now, I hear it is important to arrive early so you can hang your hammock high. You don't want any one above you. Why? How can I put this nicely, hammocks don't mask the odor when someone passes gas. I have heard stories of friends who went to Orealla and had a low hammock and the array of smells they endured.
Its pretty funny how often people think we trying to meet deaf people to perform a miracle. As we search, time and again people say, "You are trying to meet deaf people, why? You going to heal them?" You see, "miracle healings", are a big thing in Guyana. Many people claim they have been miraculously cured of a hodgepodge of ailments. You see Churchs advertising "miracle services." People even leave Hinduism and Islam because a Christian Church healed them of something. So when they ask, I should start telling them, "For us to teach someone the Bible who has no language, and at the same time teach them a language, that will take a miracle."
Guyanese word of the day: See picture.